Most Bizarre Diseases You Didn't Know About

Most Bizarre Diseases You Didn't Know About
People with pica syndrome crave and ingest unappetizing items including paint, clay, chalk, soap, plaster, and dirt. © Shutterstock

There are many bizarre diseases that hardly draw any attention but are dreadful. For example, Cotard's delusion that makes people believe they are dead.

Written by Editorial Team |Updated : February 20, 2020 9:11 PM IST

The coronavirus outbreak has created great fear among people around the world, as death toll continue to rise every day. Countries around the world are stepping up efforts to tackle the virus that originated in China's Wuhan city. While new diseases emerge and disappear every now and then. There are also many bizarre diseases that hardly draw any attention but are equally dreadful. Here are some such unusual diseases that you won't believe are real.

Cotard's delusion:It makes you believe you're dead

Those who suffer from this disease think that they are dead and rotting or losing their body parts. Due to fear, they often refuse to eat or take bath. They tend to believe that they don't have the digestive system to handle food or that water will wash away their fragile body parts. As per researchers, Cotard's delusion results from a failure in areas of the brain that recognize emotions, leading to feelings of detachment. Fret not, it is treated with medication.

Foreign accent syndrome: Speaking with a foreign accent

Sufferers of this disease suddenly begin speaking with a foreign accent. The condition is rare - only 60 cases identified. Scientists have found that brain abnormalities caused changes to their speech pitch and syllables. The syndrome can also result from a head injury or stroke, studies revealed.

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Aquagenic urticaria: It makes you allergic to water

Even casual contact with water cause allergy in people with aquagenic urticaria. However, only 30 people have been diagnosed with this, as per reports. Most of them are women. Unfortunately, scientists are yet to understand its actual causes and how to cure it. Sufferers manage the condition by bathing in baking soda or covering their bodies with creams.

Porphyria: It turns your urine purple

Porphyria is a rare disease in which the body fails to produce heme, a protein that helps cells carry oxygen. Due to this, porphyrins build up to toxic levels in the liver. When these substances are released, they turn the colour of urine and faeces purple.

Pica syndrome: Crave and eat paint and dirt

People with pica syndrome crave and ingest unappetizing items including paint, clay, chalk, soap, plaster, and dirt. They also tend to eat more edible raw goods like rice or flour.

When such cravings continuous for over a month, you're likely suffering from pica syndrome. Symptoms are seen most commonly in pregnant women or children. While some mineral deficiency behind it, experts disagree.